CBI Guidance to Boards

Central Bank of Ireland issues Guidance paper to the Boards of Investment Funds, AIFMs and Mancos

On 4 November 2015, the Central Bank of Ireland (“CBI”) issued a new paper to industry entitled Fund Management Companies Guidance. This paper follows on from the 12th June 2015 Feedback Statement issued by the CBI in relation to Consultation Paper 86 (CP86). The Fund Management Companies Guidance Paper contains the following:

  • Directors’ Time Commitments Guidance.
  • Delegate Oversight Guidance.
  • Organisational Effectiveness Role Guidance

Please do make contact with us at The Fund Governance Boardroom Panel if you wish to discuss any aspect of the paper. You can email us at governance@fgbpanel.com or telephone us at +353(0)1 551 7827. The Guidance Paper is available HERE.